NESDC General Membership Meeting - May 20 2023

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May 23, 2023

PSDC Spring 2023 General Membership Meeting

Comfort Inn

Denver, PA

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Submitted by-Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick

General Membership Report

1. Call to Order

President-Christina Gates called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.

2. Secretary Report

Secretary- Carolyn McKenrick emailed the minutes from the General Membership Meeting held October 8, 2022, in Richfield Springs, NY to the PSDC Membership. A motion was made by BOD-Laurie Stone to accept the minutes as they were presented. Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis seconded the motion. The motion passed.

3. Treasurer Report

Treasurer- Donna Quante reported that the club treasuries are doing very well as of this date the PSDC Accounts total $16,743. She reported all events this past season made a profit. A motion was made by Elaine Bartholomew to accept the Treasurers report as presented. Meredith Michener seconded the motion. The motion passed.

4. Committee Reports

  • ISDRA Report: As Region 5 director Christina Gates will be traveling to and participating in the annual Conference June 9-11 in Ohio hosted by the Ohio Trailbreakers. Please contact Chris Seminatore with any questions. There are many new faces to ISDRA and many upcoming changes. PSDC BOD has agreed to sponsor the ISDRA medals for the 6-dog rig class; PSDC BOD has agreed to be a wheel dog level sponsor to the Ohio Trailbreakers for the 2023 ISDRA convention in Ohio. Meredith Michener is the new Executive Director. She has a list of items to start working on such as a outline of items for RGO’s to follow when planning events, she plans on working with Jr. Mushers to build a larger presence, & increase ISDRA’s presence on social media.  She also gave an update of the new Web Site and stated it will be up & running at the ISDRA Conference.
  • IFSS Report:  Anna Marmann:  the annual council meeting is in Sweden May 19-20; Anna will attend online and give us a report to share at the summer meeting.
  • Social Media: Donna Quante will be stepping down from this position and the club is in need of a new volunteer, the BOD would like to thank Donna at this time for her years of service in this position. Donna reported that the facebook page is getting lots of hits and has interest of many people.
  • Website: Jessica Kizmann reports that information has been provided in a timely manner and she has had no issues managing the website
  • USFSS: Ron Klepadlo reports a meeting is forthcoming, moving forward to host 2025 WC, some discussion with IFSS. Applications are open for the fall location TBD. Early accreditation will be forthcoming for free.

5. Old Business

2022-2023 Events in Review

  • Fall Camp Out and Meeting: Steve Davis reported that he had a pretty good turnout for this event. Training, leapfrog training, membership meeting, & a turkey dinner rounded out the evening.
  • North East Dryland Challenge: Ron Klepadlo reported that because of over a foot of snow this event was canceled.
  • Fall Jersey Devil: Meredith Michener reported a good turnout, mushers from many different states were on hand and people had a good racing experience.
  • Spring Jersey Devil:  Meredith Michener reported this event was very successful too with a good turnout.
  • Frost Mountain: Alice Fitzgerald reported this event had a good turnout.
  • Tug Hill: Ron Klepadlo reported because of lack of snow and icy conditions this event was canceled.

6. New Business

Upcoming 2023-2024 Events

(a reminder to all organizers that proposals for your event(s) are needed by the BOD for approval.)

  • 2023 Spring Meeting Denver PA: Donna Quante (Donna will be stepping down from the organizer position for this annual event, we need a volunteer moving forward. Donna has already secured the Denver Room at the Comfort Inn in Denver, PA, for May 4, 2024. The BOD would like to take this opportunity to thank Donna for her years of service in organizing this event along with Nancy Molburg).
  • 2023 Summer Camp Out and Meeting: Liz Stanaitis reports Twin Streams Campground Morris PA, July 21-23. Gag awards have been postponed from the Spring meeting will be done at the Summer Camp Out. BBQ Chicken, drag races, breakfast both days and a guest speaker will be on the agenda.
  • NE Trade Fair Sept. 29-30 and Oct. 1: the BOD had voted to purchase a half table display to promote the PSDC, it will list our races and non-race events for the upcoming season.
  • 2023 Fall Camp Out and Meeting: Richfield Springs NY October 6-8, Steve Davis has agreed to host again, Christina Gates will organize
  • 2023 North East Dryland November 18-19, Ron Klepadlo
  • 2023 Fall Jersey Devil: Meredith Michener Dec. 2-3
  • 2024 Spring Jersey Devil: Meredith Michener: Park will not commit to a date at this point
  • 2024 Frost Mountain, Brownfield Maine: Alice Fitzgerald: Jan 20-21, as long as snow cooperates. This will be an unsanctioned race meant to be fun and open to all levels of competitors. The race will take place along snowmobile trails that are though the woods.  Classes that we intend to offer are 6 Dog Sled, 4 Dog Sled, 2 Dog Sled, Men’s, and Women's Canicross, Skijoring, Novice, and Junior. Further information will be available closer to race season. Anyone interested in helping with the race can contact Alice Fitzgerald at
  • 2024 Tug Hill Challenge:  Ron Klepadlo:  Jan 27-28, and Feb 24-25 as a no snow date

Proposed 2023-2024 Schedule of Events

Vote needed by the general membership to accept the above proposed calendar for this coming season. A motion was made by BOD-Laurie Stone to accept the proposed event schedule as presented. The motion was seconded by Steve Davis. Motion passed.

New Events

There are currently no new events proposed for the 2023-2024 race season. WFRA will be holding a Fat Tire Bike Raffle, the PSDC will help to support the raffle by selling tickets. Look for more info to come out about this.  

Approval of Race Entry Fees

Vote needed by the general membership to accept the current PSDC base race fees (Current Race Entry Fees have been presented to the PSDC Membership). A motion to keep the Race Entry Fees as they have been presented with no changes, was made by Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis and seconded by Treasurer-Donna Quante. The motion passed.

Discussion regarding the election process and eligibility of voters was discussed by the General Membership. No decision was made at this time to make any changes and it was decided to discuss this at the next General Membership Meeting to get more feedback.


the election shall be determined by those present and voting (at the Spring Membership Meeting) including absentee ballots. The votes cast will be for the predetermined slate plus any nominations from the floor. Nominations from the floor will be accepted until immediately before the balloting for that office.

Vice President: Rich Stanaitis: The floor was open for nominations for Vice-President. No nominations were presented. A motion to close nominations was made by BOD-Laurie Stone and seconded by Elaine Bartholomew. The motion passed. Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick cast a single vote per PSDC by-law protocol.

Secretary: Melissa Armstrong: The floor was open for nominations for Secretary. No nominations were presented. A motion to close nominations was made by Johnn Molburg and seconded by Treasurer-Donna Quante. The motion passed. Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick cast a single vote per PSDC by-law protocol.

Board of Directors (3 open seats)

  • Tabetha Kopta
  • Alice Fitzgerald
  • Wendy Tarlow
  • Johnn Molburg
  • The floor was open for nominations for Board of Directors. No nominations were presented. A motion was made to close nominations by BOD-Laurie Stone and seconded by V.P.-Rich Stanaitis. The motion passed. The membership then voted and the total votes including absentee ballots are as follow: Alice Fitzgerald – 8 votes, Tabetha Kopta – 14 votes, Johnn Molburg – 15 votes, & Wendy Tarlow – 14 votes.
  • The PSDC welcomes new Board Members starting June 1, 2023: V.P.-Rich Stanaitis, Secretary-Melissa Armstrong, BOD-Tabetha Kopta, Wendy Tarlow, & Johnn Molburg.

The PSDC Membership wishes to thank all outgoing Board Members for their work & many years of service:  Carolyn McKenrick, Mary Beth Logue, Insa Robinson, & Alice Fitzgerald.

A motion was made by Meredith Michener to approve the new PSDC Board, seconded by V.P.-Rich Stanaitis. The motion passed.  The 2023-2024 PSDC Board: President-Christina Gates, Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis, Secretary-Melissa Armstrong, Treasurer-Donna Quante, BOD-Laurie Stone, Ron Klepadlo, Tabetha Kopta, Johnn Molburg, & Wendy Tarlow.  Next year’s Elections will include President, Treasurer, & 2 BOD (Laurie Stone & Ron Klepadlo).  

Results of voting on By-Law Changes relayed to the General Membership - 9 votes to accept all changes & 7 - votes to reject the changes. President-Christina Gates declares that all changes to the By-Laws presented to the general membership are approved to be changed.  

Audit Committee

Christina Gates requested 2 volunteers to be on the audit committee (these volunteers will receive all treasury information from the treasurer and perform an audit on that information). Melissa Armstrong & Cindy Coolbaugh volunteered.

  • shall audit the Club financial records for that current fiscal year and report the results to the Executive Board early in the first quarter of subsequent fiscal year.
  • For The Good of the Club: I have a nice “Thinking of You” card for Diane Geitzenauer for anyone who would like to sign it. She loves cards if anyone would like to send something cheery, please feel free: Diane Geitzenauer c/o Whitehall Manor, 1177 6th Street, Room A17, Whitehall, PA, 18052
  • Congratulations to all PSDC - ISDRA Medal Winners: 6-Dog Rig- Silver Medal-Tabetha Kopta, 4-dog RB-Gold & Men’s Canicross-Silver-Ron Klepadlo, 1-Dog Scooter-Gold, 2-dog Scooter-Silver & 2-dog Bikejoring-Bronze-Insa Robinson, 1-dog Scooter-Silver-Meredith Michener.
  • Adjournment- A motion to Adjourn was made by Meredith Michener and seconded by Dave Coolbaugh. Motion passed. Adjournment at 2:38 PM.